When Arta arrived in CASAdelDRAGON in Spain, she was attracted by the idea to spend a few weeks in the creative hotspot of the region, the art camp, the color garden and the artist residence itself.
Trying to find a good place in these days might be a challenge for quite a lot of people moving in 2020 and ff. through Europe and the rest of the world. Obviously Arta found her setting.
Over the last 36 years the house of the dragon was visited by many creatives from all over the world. Behind each visit was a story, sometimes they decided to move on, sometimes they spend some time in the village, the house, the garden. Sometimes they came for art, sometimes for studies, sometimes for retreats, sometimes for curiosity.
In case of Arta it looked like following the flow. She belongs to a new generation of multi-cultural-proofed highly mobile life-entrepreneurs passing in their lifes through many challenges. On their way a clear direction may be unvisible, but especially from north estern countries coming, they are following a inner compass to navigate to peace, happiness and success. And this success is nowadays more driven by quality of life then by quantity of money.
Some visitors of the CASAdelDRAGON consider the influence of this house in terms of culture and art in the village and the region and they calculate the impact for the society. As always there is a story behind, and hidden in the history of this village, as well as the whole country, there is many more to say about the beauty and power of the locals and this village in the mountains of El Maestrazgo.
Part of the CASAdelDRAGON is the art gallery in the basement. SINCE 2007 more than 30 exhibitions took place. Inbetween it is a studio, to work out new projects or a room for performance and music or literature events.
ARTSURPRISE.EU is one spin-off of this think tank and artist residence and Arta liked the idea to work out her first series for this project as well.
The open art space of CASAdelDRAGON has no strict agenda for the future.. There is always space for improvisation, sponaniouse ideas. So we implemented a show of the last 14 years and mounted some sketches of Arta like a spring moving into the heaven. The exhibition „Las ultimas horas“ was even visited in the hardest times in 2020/2021. And it attrakted even many kids joining the projekt „the exhibition in the museum in the exhibition“ which was part of this show.
Again and again this open house challenges its residents. Again and again it questions values and ideas. And again and again it forces people to pause and rearrange themselves. And again and again it surprises its visitors, opens horizons and opportunities.
If you want to seize a new opportunity, you first have to let go of the old one completely . Then you can grab it with both hands.
Everyone in the Casa was delighted to be able to participate in this development. In the end, Arta was a resident of the CASAdelDRAGON for eight months, helped to shape it and left a lot of traces.
It’s the end of this article, it’s definitely not the end of this story.