
ARTSURPRISE - Art workFind 4 Me

Jo Pellenz Paintings S1

Po Pellenz is one of the important contemporary social artists in Germany. He is living and working in Cologne. The artist is a friend of CASAdelDRAGON and was already involved in the cultural activities before the gallery opened. When the idea of ​​ARTSURPRISE was formulated in the think tank of the House of the Dragon, Pellenz was one of the first who want to move this project forward.
While some of his works are on their way to private and public collections, he has also published some exciting series at ARTSURPRISE. In this series, it is noticeable how the artist plays with the format of the box and how he expands the options for representation by folding the artwork. This is an essential feature of the art in ARTSURPRISE: Be in the box and think out of the box!

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Jo Pellenz Paintings S1
Elena Ploetz - Alice in wonder - drawings 2014
Michael Haupts - Sol y Sombra - Photography - x/100
Jo Pellenz - What we are - Objects - 2012
Sonia Eva Domenech - s1 - abc
Masterpieces of a Pilgrim - Juan Petry - 2021 - S3

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