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Elena Ploetz – Alice in wonder – drawings 2014

Alice in „wonder“ – by Elena Ploetz – drawing – 2014

Inspired by the famous tale alice in wonderland the artist and illustrator Elena Ploetz created a fantastic series of 100 unique drawings. Yes, you are holdinga unique original drawing in your hand!

Ploetz was born in 1969 in Tomsk-7 (now Sewersk / russian federation). Well educated in an Art school she moved in 2001 to Germany. Since than she had several exhibitions in Germany and abroad and she is one of the most viewed artists (in the section of drawings on ARTSURPRISE.EU).

A limited selection is available here. All other pieces are distributed in winter 2014 to our points of sales in Spain and Germany and Austria.

For further information about this series have a look at the artist website below.

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More about this artist (external Link!)

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