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At the art museum Vol. 1 – S.Cape – published by Juan Petry – 2023

At the art museum Vol. 1 – S.Cape – published by Juan Petry – 2023

„At the art museum“ is a humorous examination of the communication between man and woman. The scene is a contemporary art museum. The works speak for themselves, the two visitors about it, maybe also with each other.

The language is greatly reduced, as is the setting. In contrast to this are the exhibited works (all of them pictorial references to real contemporary art in the context of CASAdelDRAGON, an artist residence in eastern Spain), colorful, lush, central, eye-catching. That is why the sparse dialogue develops. The depth lies in the notion about what is not said.

S.Cape also plays with the layers of reality. The reader of the booklet looks into an exhibition space through the eyes of an imaginary viewer and observes the protagonists as they deal with an object of contemporary art. The readers own perception converts to the perception of the perception of others.

The visual languages overlap. There is the comic as an art form, there is the image of a contemporary work of art. S.CAPE curates, and the connection develops into a puzzle.

„I can not imagine anything better than bringing this important form of creative expression – books – to life in the social art project ARTSURPRISE with his amazing works (Juan Petry, Publisher of this Volume).“

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At the art museum Vol. 1 - S.Cape - published by Juan Petry - 2023
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