The gesture of forgiveness – Monotypes – Maria Garcia – 2021
The gesture of forgiveness – Monotypes – Maria Garcia – 2021
After the fall of the so called Thousand-year Reich, coming to terms with the Nazi crimes fell out of focus. The beginning rearmament for the Cold War required compliant subjects, just reorientated.
The end of Francos dictatorship did not lead to a social and legal case history of Spanish society. Due to fear of another civil war and revanchist pogroms, memories were buried in collective self-deception.
While the Berlin Wall was falling, paper shredders tore up the traces of the offenders.
When a paradigm shift takes place, people look to the new leaders and ask for the old injustice to be dealt with. This is very rarely granted.
In this way tension and injustice are passed on to the next generation, can flourish and develop until it becomes too much again and a new tipping point is reached.
So it is up to us to build bridges, to name the offender as the real victim, and to approach him with dignity, kindness and the gesture of forgiveness.
Loving your enemy breaks the chain of violence. The dialogue begins.
This box contains two monotypes by the artist Maria Garcia. The artist would like the owner of this box to hand over one artwork to the person he describes as the „worst offender“, along with an invitation to start a dialogue.
The other artwork should remain in the hands of the owner of this box, as a sign of his wisdom and greatness.
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