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Juan Petry – el pan de los pobres – s1

The writer Enrique Perez Escrich was born in Valencia in 1829. When married, he moved to Madrid. He wrote in a traditional, romantic style, but yet he fought against liberalism.

„The theatre and the novel are my galleries“, he said. Having experienced both wealthy and poor times in his life, the author emphasizes the treasure of knowledge passed on from the elderly to the young in his autobiographic novel „The memories of a thin man“.

Today young people of the 15m movement rise in Valencia for their rights, fighting corruption and mismanagement. They demand housing and living space and plant bananas in the ruined buildings of the old town.

I painted these art works on pages of an 1868 edition of Escrichs novel El pan de los pobres and gave 100 originals to these young people. Thus the movement gets a „face“ and Perez Escrich returns to Valencia after almost 150 years.

Visit for further information about other el pan de los pobres and to order additional pieces or combined pieces with frames.

Juan Petry, Valencia, Castellon, 2012

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